Riders from around the world have costs to consider when planning their motorcycle trips, and whether they ride near home alone or reserve an adventure through us, they are often surprised at the eventual price tag on their adventures. With only 2 wheels to spin around, a generally lightweight existence, and aerodynamics better than cars and trucks, motorcycles might be one of the most fuel-efficient travel options available…yet somehow, the amount of money involved in fuel alone can be a major factor in the big picture. Why is that?

Some key factors to consider whether you’re reserving a trip through us, or if you’re just riding alone on your own bike near your home:
The Fuel Situation: Sure, motorcycles are typically better than cars or trucks in this regard, but actual motorcycle fuel economy isn’t always what the manufacturer’s sticker on the bike says. For starters, a rider could weigh more than the average weight rider used to calculate economy. Then, once we start adding side panniers and luggage, a tank bag and passenger on the back, a motorcycle’s fuel economy is worsened over what the manufacturer claimed. So fuel costs are still significant chunk of any motorcycle travel budget.
Tires, Chains, and Other Parts – This will of course be different from brand to brand (commence the ridicule and “hating” on each other’s bikes in the comments below now!) We might not have to change motorcycle chains after each trip, but it will need to be done eventually, so a certain percentage of a chain’s life needs to be factored into each trip. Same with the random parts we don’t expect, and little “mishaps” where brake and shift levers and such get broken, as there could be any number of items broken on a motorcycle trip. The funny thing about bikes is that with only 2 wheels, somehow motorcycles tip over more easily than cars do.
Insurance & Registration – Throw these numbers into the mix, cause they certainly are a factor. Especially if you’ve had other “incidents” that hiked up your own insurance premium, in many cases it will cost more to insure a motorcycle than a car. If you’re crossing borders on international motorcycle trips, additional insurance for each country often needs to be purchased while your policy for back home just sits unused. For us when we insure the motorcycles you’ll ride on any or our guided or self-guided trips, please trust us…the insurance is expensive.

Overall Purchase Price: Let’s not forget the original price tag on these machines! Whether purchased outright or financed through a banking service, many bikes cost more than a university education. With regards to the price of bikes in other countries and why rental rates can be so high, please note that for example, BMW motorcycles cost about twice as much in South America as they do in the U.S.
I guess the point of all this was not only to help you budget ahead of time for your motorcycle trips that you do on your own, but also explain why the prices on www.rideadv.com are what they are. We love what we do though, so let us know when you’re ready to book your next great motorcycle adventure!