RIDE Adventures Tours & Rentals

Motorcycle Trip idea, The Barber Motorsports Musuem is expanding!

Written by Eric Lange | January 27, 2012

We've said it before:  Any motorcycle riders even near the Southeastern United States simply must visit the Barber Motorsports Museum just outside of Birmingham, Alabama.  It's incredible!

As if it wasn't an awesome collection of motorsports history to begin with, now the Barber Museum's management is announcing plans to expand? The original 140,000 sq ft museum will now see a 100,000 sq ft addition set to break ground this year.  Standing on the inside of the racetrack that loops throughout this "motorsports mecca," a bridge will connect the addition to the original building, allowing visitors to walk over the track and see racing action from a unique perspective.

What was almost certainly the world's greatest motorcycle exhibition will be nearly doubling the reasons for yout to detour on your next great ride.  Unlike how some things can be "talked up" too much before you see them, this one won't disappoint!