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RIDE Adventures Blog

What's It Really Like, Our Self-Guided, Truck Supported Full Patagonia Adventure?

Posted by Eric Lange on November 17, 2018

This new "What's it really like" video series Garrett got us started on seems long overdue, although it's quite a challenge putting these riding opportunities into words. Such is true with all forms of travel in that no words ... no photos ... or videos ... can possibly recreate the experience of actually being there.

This latest video about our Self-Guided, Truck Supported Full Patagonia Adventure package explains a motorcycle trip format that came into existence for few simple reasons:

a) RIDE Adventures got started as a result of my own Self-Guided riding and exploration, and the spirit and challenge that comes with solo travel is something I will forever cherish.
b) Add a bit of my own cautious nature, recognizing that in the most remote places, it's safer to be riding with someone instead of completely alone.
c) Consider feedback we've received from Customers over the years that "I don't want to be stuck in a group in Patagonia, but I also don't want to be out there completely alone."

Combine all these thoughts, and this unique Self-Guided, Truck Supported motorcycle trip format has been the perfect response to such a combination of hopes & needs. Bonus is, because we've removed the Lead Guide from the services offered in this package, it helps cut-down the cost per rider. Per these points from our latest video:


What's it Really Like, Riding The Northern Thailand Experience?

Posted by Eric Lange on September 26, 2018

Updated by Jeff Taylor October 30, 2024. 


What's it really like, riding the Thai-Laos Experience?

Posted by Eric Lange on September 3, 2018

So, "what's it really like," riding the big adventure bikes in Thailand and Laos? This new video series will be placed on each tour page in the coming weeks (although it's definitely a situation where putting the experience into words & photos ... just doesn't seem possible.)

DISCLOSURE: To begin with, I whole-heartedly admit that I was skeptical about whether the "big bikes" would be right for southeast Asia. Friends had told me that simply renting a scooter and scrambling about the cities and countryside was the most fun, (and least expensive) way to explore. That thought, along with images of just how traffic-dense and congested the region may end up being had me wondering the same thing. This, all based on images and movies and such over the years. (Further disclosure: I was actually skeptical about how  good the riding would really be, anyway, and given what else I've seen around this world.)


Klim Krios Karbon Adventure Helmet: The 25 Day Thailand Test

Posted by Eric Lange on August 23, 2018

Twenty-five straight days of riding and route-scouting in the dead heat of a Thailand summer... What better way to test the Klim Krios Karbon adventure helmet?


Northern Thailand & Laos Operations, Guided & Self-Guided Trips Now Available

Posted by Eric Lange on July 30, 2018

With our 8-year anniversary just a few days away and as you may have seen on our last eNewsletter, RIDE Adventures just announced that we’re starting operations in Asia, our 5th continent!

 I snuck out a few blog posts back in April during the research trip in Thailand and Laos, as a few of our Customers and friends joined me for what was truly a trip full of surprises. (See the 1st post here, the 2nd one here, and the 3rdhere. What lies below is a summary of those trip updates.)

 Surprises? To me, the guy that has spent most of the last 10 years riding adventure bikes through 25 countries on 4 other continents? Through places like the Skeleton Coast, the Namib Desert, the Alps, Andes, Rockies and Dolomites? Yes, Thailand and Laos still surprised me.



Are you a Self-Guided type of Rider?

Posted by Eric Lange on May 17, 2018

Trying to be as informative as we can in helping Riders choose the right motorcycle trip format, there are plenty of points to consider if you think "Self-Guided" is how you'd like to experience your next international adventure.

For some, the only way to ride is being out there solo, with no strings attached, schedules to follow, or fellow riders to wait for as they put on their riding gloves at a snail's pace. The spirit and mystery that goes into solo motorcycle travel can be felt in onlookers at the gas stations and obscure locations that we end up in, as people around you wonder "where is that rider from, and where they are going all geared-up like that?" The time to think, ponder, and pontificate within one's helmet can be found in it's purest form during these solo rides, while almost completely on the flip-side, it often makes for the best opportunities to meet new people, as we don't already have our regular entourage to confine us.

Many of our Self-Guided Customers have chosen this format for the sake of being able to form their own Private Group motorcycle trip affordably. Because Guided Group tours come with an array of fixed or common costs to consider, it's often financially unfeasible for private groups of 2-3 Riders to afford the full services we provide with a Lead Motorcycle Guide and Support Truck with Driver.


Wrapping-Up Our Research Trip, Riding Plans Taking Shape for More of Thailand & Laos

Posted by Eric Lange on May 3, 2018

This past month of riding and exploring Thailand and Laos has felt like a gigantic riding experience, and none of us seem to believe that it only lasted month. Felt like a lifetime, with all the amazing discoveries we've made together. 

As eluded to in the past couple of blog posts, I was somewhat skeptical about how good the riding could be in southeast Asia could be. Having been riding the Andes, Alps, Dolomites, and other pristine riding destinations for the last decade, and hearing the feedback of our Customers who have gone on to enjoy such jaw-dropping experiences made me wonder a bit just how much “incredible” was left out there. While I'm not going to tell you the scenery in Thailand or Laos is as dramatic as those other regions, the quality of riding ... the fun variety of mixed terrain we found here, is going to be tough to beat. With perhaps the fewest kilometers I've ever spent going straight on a bike, the Thai-Laos riding demanded an intense focus by each Rider, as it will yours if you come over for one of the riding packages we're going to be announcing soon. (That’s right, we’re going to do this!)


Updates from the Riding Situation, now in Laos on the heels of Songkran

Posted by Eric Lange on April 19, 2018

With sore cheeks sometimes from smiling so much within my helmet here in Thailand and Laos, oh what a trip this has been.

The last 10 years of covering the best routes in southern Africa, South America, and Europe admittedly had me a bit doubtful about what Asia might possibly have to offer. Yet here I am once again blown away by the fun that can be had on a motorcycle, in foreign lands where so many friendly people are part of making our Guided Group adventure ride feel so welcome. (Dermot and I with some Asian Water Buffalos in the background.)

“Twisties Galore” would be one way to describe what we did the first 5-6 riding days in Thailand, but as previously mentioned in my last post, there were some fun dashes through extremely remote dirt tracks as well. Through jungle-like foliage and the tiniest roadside villages, and back on to the pavement before climbing more challenging dirt backroads, the extreme variety factor in these routes cannot be understated.


Motorcycle Trips in Colombia, Riding Among the Coffee Plantations

Posted by Eric Lange on April 17, 2018

As if the scenery in central Colombia isn't enough, the Guided and Self-Guided motorcycle tours we offer in Colombia also lend us a learning opportunity. By the time we're in the Cocora Valley region nearing Salento, the elevation, climate, and soil type are perfect for growing one of the most famous forms of plant life in the world: "Coffea Arabica" perhaps better known as "coffee." Maybe you've heard of it : )

As part of our regular riding routes in Colombia, we have the opportunity to tour actual working coffee plantations and see what it takes to grace us with that essential cup of joy every morning.


Riding and researching Thailand, Laos, and Southeast Asia .... FINALLY!

Posted by Eric Lange on April 13, 2018

Updated by Jeff Taylor October 30, 2024

Motorcycle Riding and Researching in Thailand and Laos

After years of searching for the next best place to ride, our team found what we were looking for: Northern Thailand and Laos in Southeast Asia! With friendly locals, incredible food, affordable travel costs, and endless twists and turns, this area is a dream for motorcycle riders. Check out The Northern Thailand Experience and start creating memories. 

Why Southeast Asia?

Southeast Asia offers incredible riding experiences. Northern Thailand has well-paved roads, beautiful mountain views, and so many curves you’ll barely find a straight stretch! Across the border, Laos is more rugged, with dirt roads, river crossings, and remote villages. You’ll get a mix of adventure and natural beauty, which is why we knew we had to explore this area for our customers.


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