As RIDE Adventures is in the business of setting people up with motorcycle rentals and motorcycle tours, riders are constantly hitting us with the question of "which is the best adventure bike?" There are probably dozens, if not hundreds of blog posts and magazine articles revolving around this question already, but many of them are conspicuously promoting a specific motorcycle. We won't do that here.
Folks, we get questions about motorcycle travel like these all the time, so it just seems best to post our direct responses to some customers so that you can see for yourself! One particular group (who is currently enduring a record rainy season in Peru) had questions just like you might, so here's what we talked about:
We're constantly trying to provide you with more motorcycle travel information, so please find these Q's and A's we've recently exchanged with customers useful. As always, keep in mind that you can download some great information on our Free Motorcycle Travel Info page, and ask us questions anytime. RIDE Adventures was founded on the notion that "more people need to see this," so be sure to ask us more about just which destinations you should be seeing!
Patagonia Motorcycle Travel, Fuel, Caleta Tortel, and 7 Lakes Route
Adventure Riders are gearing up and getting ready for motorcycle rental trips in Patagonia. Some riders will be guided and don't need to think about logistics, timing, and borders, but those Lone Wolves who will be renting and riding alone have many questions. We're glad to be answering those questions and sharing some of them with you here:
Got questions about motorcycle rentals, and what's needed to make your trip a success? Here are a few more FAQ's we get from customers with a bit of a focus on South American motorcycle travel. Please remember, you're always welcome to Contact Us or ask questions in the comments section below. Chances are, if you have a question about how motorcycle rentals work, you're not alone!
We keep getting similar questions about Tierra del Fuego and motorcycle travel in this mysterious and wind-torn territory. Riders from around the world want to test their skills on the way to Ushuaia at "The End of the World," but the logistics and timing around getting there remain somewhat of a puzzle for people. Also of concern to many riders is the amount of paved vs. non-paved riding they'll have to endure.
Motorcycle Travel Guide: Part 2 of International Travel Advice
Motorcycle travel and your success in doing so internationally will hopefully be much easier after enjoying our advice shown below. The first points of Part 2 cover your fuel situation and food, and please remember you can always download a full copy of our International Motorcycle Tour Guide on this link!
Motorcycle Travel: Part 1 of International Guide (continued)
If your motorcycle travel plans include crossing international borders, please enjoy a snippet of info as continued from previous blog posts below. Or, feel free to download your copy of our International Motorcycle Travel Guide here.
Motorcycle Travel: Part 1 of Free International Travel Guide
Got questions about motorcycle travel or you're heading out on an international motorcycle trip you've been planning? A portion of Part 1 from our "International Motorcycle Travel Guide" is shown below, and as always, the entire guide is available as a Free Download on our website!
With so many unanswered questions about motorcycle travel, we strive to keep you informed, and ready to enjoy their next great motorcycle adventure trip, we furnish customers of RIDE Adventures with this 12-page guide that you can download for FREE!