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Motorcycle Adventures in Africa

Below are just some of the options we have in Africa to offer adventure-minded motorcycle riders! This list of trip packages will keep growing as we do, so if there's something you want but don't see, be sure to let us know on the Contact Us form below.
RIDE Adventures is proud to present these Africa motorcycle tour options, reminding everyone that each trip shown is available either as a guided or self-guided experience, depending on what each individual rider wants.

Africa still holds plenty of excitement for us in regards to dual sport riding, on and off-pavement, that so many adventure riders are craving. We started exploring southern Africa in 2015, and have much more of this enormous continent to discover. You can rest assured though that the itineraries shown on the tour packages we offer are definitely some of the highest concentrations of "highlights" that a rider can experience while traveling in Africa. (Hey, we are riders, too, and we know what makes for some great riding, whether it's on or off pavement!)

Please keep in mind that it's nearly impossible to show you all the trip possibilities through our website, so choosing the perfect riding vacation for your needs is just a matter of contacing us via the form on this page. Be prepared to tell us about your riding interests and wishes, ideal dates, trip duration, and any other factors that go into making the best motorcycle trip a reality for you!

Reminder of Our Service

Please keep in mind that not all of our options for Africa motorcycle trips are shown on the site at any given time, or you may not have found exactly what you're looking for. As with any destination offered by RIDE Adventures, it's best to start a conversation with one of our staff or guides about what type of trip you're looking for. Our interest is the same as yours: Making sure you have the best time possible on your riding vacation!

Contact us for more African motorcycle tour information